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Sustainability Workshops

The journey towards (and beyond) sustainability has many steps: we can support you everywhere along the way, or whenever you need it: from awareness at the executive level, strategy, awareness and engagement at all levels and actions!

Awareness Diagram

Climate Fresk Facilitation Training

Train your internal sustainability ambassadors to facilitate Climate Fresk workshops in your organization.

2 Tonnes Workshop

Explore the a low-carbon future, make the right choices to reduce emissions by 2050, and see the results in real time!

Digital Collage

What are the environmental challenges related to digital technologies and what can we do about it?

Climate Pitch

Looking for an interactive keynote to engage a large audience on climate related topics?

Climate Fresk Workshop

Looking for an interactive workshop to raise awareness on global warming and the Climate crisis?

2 Tonnes Facilitation Training

Enthusiastic about the action-oriented 2tonnes workshop and you would like to deploy it within your firm?

Circular Economy Collage

How much tons of resources do we need to make a micro-wave? Why is this question relevant to understand circular economy?

Biodiversity Collage

Do you want to learn more about ecosystems and the pressures surrounding biodiversity?

Impulse Workshop

Looking to engage your leadership team on your company’s sustainability journey?

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