CSRD Support Package
Struggling with "reporting fatigue"?
Facing challenges engaging your executive team?
Worried about missing compliance requirements?
Willing to leverage the CSRD to accelerate the sustainable transformation of your business activities?
Our expert consultants help you navigate the complexities of the CSRD with ease.
The new European regulation on the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) represents a major shift in how companies must approach and report on sustainability.
Beyond the compliance, the CSRD is a tremendous opportunity to:
Improve business efficiency and reduce certain costs
Increase stakeholders trust and foster new collaboration
Achieve greater transparency at various levels, particularly within your value chain
Accelerate your systemic transformation towards sustainability
Differentiate yourself from your competitors.
At CHANGESthatMATTER, we support you at every step of this CSRD-journey and help you leverage its co-benefits.
To ensure you benefit from our experience and expertise while maintaining a manageable budget,
we propose three options to get started or accelerate your CSRD project.
CSRD Reporting made easy and impactful
Package Options
CSRD Impulse Workshop
Engage your Executive Team on CSRD and get them ready to support!
2-hour Workshop
- The Executive Team:
grasp the strategic urgency of the CSRD and the ambition behind the reports,
gain inspiration from benchmarking stories and examples,
feel motivated and engaged to support the CSRD journey.
- Some foundations for the reporting are set:
Goals prioritisation,
High level business model,
High level value Chain,
Identification of potential Impacts, Risks and Opportunities along the value chain.
This CSRD Workshop Impulse will be customised to align with your specific needs and priorities.
From 3,000€
CSRD Framing
Set the foundation for CSRD-compliant reporting
One-day workshop with your CSRD key internal stakeholders
- The attendees:
grasp the strategic urgency of the CSRD and the ambition behind the reports,
gain inspiration from benchmarking stories and examples,
are motivated and engaged
are equipped and ready to kick-off the project!
- The key foundations for your CRSD reporting are set:
Value Chain depiction
Identification of potential Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
The project is framed: approach, planning, communication, ...
- Some recommendations, best practices, tips are shared
Preparatory work is done to tailor this CSRD workshop to your needs and priorities
From 5,000€
CSRD Accelerator
Support to accelerate your journey to a CSRD compliant report
The goal of this package is to help to get ready for a compliant CSRD report, to save time, energy and budget while leveraging the opportunities of this new reporting.
Depending on your specific situation, we will tailor our support and delivery methods to best suit your needs.
We can adopt various roles to maximize your efficiency, improve results, and accelerate skill development:
Expert: You ask, we provide answers.
Sparring Partner: You lead, we support.
Facilitator/Moderator: You decide, we moderate.
With this package, you will gain access to:
our CSRD serious-game to engage your teams,
Best practices,
Tool templates,
Software analysis,
And much more!